[6-1]] 3D熱伝導解析 【3D_Bricks.pde】
1. 概要
3D 定常熱伝導解析の例です。それぞれ異なる4種類の熱伝導率(K)を持つ直方体の集合体内部に、ガウス形分布の熱源があります。全ての表面(6面)は、0度に保持されています。 一定の時間が経過しますと、温度は安定した分布状態に到達します。本サンプルは、3D_Bricks+Time.pdeの定常状態に類似しています。
2. メッシュ図
3. 解析結果
図中の {Fig.A},{Fig.B} は、4項で対応するスクリプトを示します。
4. スクリプト
下記のスクリプトをマウスでコピーし、FlexPDE エディット・ウィンドウに貼り付けて実行する際には、日本語のコメントを除去して下さい。そのままですと、コンパイル・エラーが発生する場合があります。
{ 3D_brICKS.PDE This problem demonstrates the application of FlexPDE to steady-state three dimensional heat conduction. An assembly of four bricks of differing conductivities has a gaussian internal heat source, with all faces held at zero temperature. After a time, the temperature reaches a stable distribution. This is the steady-state analog of problem 3D_brICKS+TIME.PDE } title 'steady-state 3D heat conduction' select regrid=off { use fixed grid } painted { 等高線図を色分けで塗りつぶします。} coordinates cartesian3 variables Tp { 温度 } definitions long = 1 wide = 1 K { thermal conductivity -- values supplied later 熱伝導率:値は後で設定します。} Q = 10*exp(-x^2-y^2-z^2) { Thermal source ガウス形分布の熱源 } initial values Tp = 0. equations Tp : div(k*grad(Tp)) + Q = 0 { the heat equation } extrusion z = -long,0,long { divide Z into two layers Z軸を2つのlayerに分割します。} boundaries Surface 1 value(Tp)=0 { fix bottom surface temp } Surface 3 value(Tp)=0 { fix top surface temp } Region 1 { define full domain boundary in base plane } layer 1 k=1 { bottom right brick } layer 2 k=0.1 { top right brick } start(-wide,-wide) value(Tp) = 0 { fix all side temps } line to (wide,-wide) { walk outer boundary in base plane } to (wide,wide) to (-wide,wide) to close Region 2 { overlay a second region in left half } layer 1 k=0.2 { bottom left brick } layer 2 k=0.4 { top left brick } start(-wide,-wide) line to (0,-wide) { walk left half boundary in base plane } to (0,wide) to (-wide,wide) to close monitors contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp" contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp" contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp" elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp" elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp" elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp" plots cdf(Tp) contour(Tp) on z=0 as "XY Temp" { Fig.A } contour(Tp) on x=0 as "YZ Temp" contour(Tp) on y=0 as "ZX Temp" elevation(Tp) from (-wide,0,0) to (wide,0,0) as "X-Axis Temp" { Fig.B } elevation(Tp) from (0,-wide,0) to (0,wide,0) as "Y-Axis Temp" elevation(Tp) from (0,0,-long) to (0,0,long) as "Z-Axis Temp" end