[4-1] 3D箱内の流れ解析 【3D_Flowbox.pde】
1. 概要
流入圧は 0.05
解法には『Penalty pressure』を使います。そこにおいて、圧力変数は単に質量保存を保証するだけです。
2. メッシュ図
箱の表面(6面)全てにおいて、流速,圧力とも 0 で固定です。
流入圧 :0.05
出口圧 :0
Penalty = 1e4*流体の粘度/箱高さの半分^2
3. 解析結果
流速 (Vz) 分布図、流れ (Vx, Vy, Vz) ベクトル図、及び圧力分布図を示します。
図中の {Fig. A}、{Fig. B} は、それぞれの図と対応し、更に4項で対応するスクリプトを示します。
{Fig. C}、・・・、{Fig. E} も同様です。
4. スクリプト
{ 3D_FLOWBOX.PDE This problem demonstrates the use of FlexPDE in 3D fluid flow. It shows the flow of fluid through a plenum box with a circular inlet at the bottom and an offset circular outlet at the top. The inlet pressure is arbitrarily set at 0.05 units. The problem runs in two stages, first as a massless fluid to get an initial pressure and velocity distribution in a linear system, and then with momentum terms included. Adaptive mesh refinement is turned off for speed in demonstration. In a real application, regridding could be used to better resolve the flow past the corners of the ducts. The solution uses a "penalty pressure", in which the pressure variable is used merely to guarantee mass conservation. } title '3D flow through a plenum' coordinates cartesian3 variables vx(1e-6) vy(1e-6) vz(1e-6) p select ngrid=20 stages=2 regrid=off { 最適メッシュ細分化オフ } definitions long = 2 wide = 1 high = 1/2 xin = -1 yin = 0 xout = 1 yout = 0 rc = 0.5 duct = 0.2 dens=staged(0,1) { fluid density 流体の密度 } visc= 0.01 { fluid viscosity 流体の粘度 } v=vector(vx,vy,vz) vm=magnitude(v) div_v = dx(vx) + dy(vy) + dz(vz) Penalty = 1e4*visc/high^2 Pin = 0.05 Pout = 0 initial values vx=0 vy=0 vz=0 p=Pin+(Pout-Pin)*(z+high+duct)/(2*high+2*duct) equations vx: dens*(vx*dx(vx) + vy*dy(vx) + vz*dz(vx)) + dx(p) -visc*div(grad(vx)) = 0 vy: dens*(vx*dx(vy) + vy*dy(vy) + vz*dz(vy)) + dy(p) -visc*div(grad(vy)) = 0 vz: dens*(vx*dx(vz) + vy*dy(vz) + vz*dz(vz)) + dz(p) -visc*div(grad(vz)) = 0 p: div(grad(p)) = Penalty*div_v extrusion z = -high-duct,-high,high,high+duct boundaries Region 1 { plenum box } surface 2 value(vx)=0 value(vy)=0 value(vz)=0 natural(p)=0 surface 3 value(vx)=0 value(vy)=0 value(vz)=0 natural(p)=0 layer 1 void layer 3 void start(-long,-wide) value(vx)=0 value(vy)=0 value(vz)=0 natural(p)=0 { fix all side values 箱の側面 } line to (long,-wide) to (long,wide) to (-long,wide) to close limited Region 2 { input hole 流入口 } layer 1 surface 1 natural(vx)=0 natural(vy)=0 natural(vz)=0 value(p)=Pin { input duct opening 流入口開口部 } start(xin,yin-rc) layer 1 value(vx)=0 value(vy)=0 value(vz)=0 natural(p)=0 { duct sidewall drag ダクト外周面 } arc(center=xin,yin) angle=360 limited Region 3 { exit hole 出口 } layer 3 surface 4 natural(vx)=0 natural(vy)=0 natural(vz)=0 value(p)=Pout { output duct opening 出口開口部 } start(xout,yout-rc) layer 3 value(vx)=0 value(vy)=0 value(vz)=0 natural(p)=0 { duct sidewall drag ダクト外周面 } arc(center=xout,yout) angle=360 monitors contour(vx) on x=0 report dens report pin contour(vx) on y=0 report dens report pin contour(vz) on y=0 report dens report pin vector(vx,vz)on y=0 report dens report pin contour(vx) on z=0 report dens report pin contour(vy) on z=0 report dens report pin contour(vz) on z=0 report dens report pin vector(vx,vy)on z=0 report dens report pin contour(p) on y=0 report dens report pin plots contour(vx) on x=0 painted report dens report pin contour(vx) on y=0 painted report dens report pin contour(vz) on y=0 painted report dens report pin { Fig. A } vector(vx,vz)on y=0 report dens report pin { Fig. C } contour(vx) on z=0 painted report dens report pin contour(vy) on z=0 painted painted report dens report pin contour(vz) on z=0 painted report dens report pin { Fig. B } vector(vx,vy)on z=0 report dens report pin { Fig. D } contour(p) on y=0 painted report dens report pin { Fig. E } end